DS, a young man who faced a lengthy term of imprisonment having pleaded guilty to his 3rd offence for supplying class A drugs in the Medway towns of Kent. He was a victim of modern slavery having previously been exploited at the tender age of 15 years to sell drugs by a large organised crime network running county lines from London. He was reported missing by the police back in 2017, sleeping rough on the streets of London, then being enticed by the gangs of London to sell class A drugs for the county line. Having been deemed a victim of modern slavery by the Home Office, DS continued to be exploited, and as a result of being arrested, losing the drugs and money he was threatened to pay off the debts incurred by repeat offending not only twice but thrice for the same drugs line. DS, now aged 22 years, a young father having been exploited for many years, was sentenced to significantly reduced term of 2 years 5 months from what should have been starting point close to 7 years imprisonment, for a 3rd consecutive offence for class A drug dealing. DS, was represented by in-house Barrister, Ronnie Manek instructed by Partner, William Russell.