Ronnie Manek, In-House barrister instructed by Jack Stewart (Supervising Solicitor) assisted by Neslihan Kaya were instructed to represent KB, a former Police Community Support Officer for the allegations of Grievous Bodily Harm with Intent and associated offences of Possession of offensive weapons and Affray. KB, stood trial at Canterbury Crown Court for 5 days, facing serious allegations of assault on local Thanet residents who KB accused of bullying him for years whilst he was employed with the Kent Police. On 18 March 2023, KB was verbally and physically abused at the Clique Bar in Ramsgate, by being called a “piggy C***” and spat on twice by the complainant and his gang. Against the backdrop of the years of abuse, the jury heard the previous convictions of gang violence, racist attacks and possession of knives of the complainant group. In the early hours of 18 March 2023, KB having already left the Clique bar, returned with a friend who had brought a baseball bat for protection. KB in response to a further attack on his vehicle at the hands of the complainant, feared for his own safety acted in lawful self-defence this group. KB, was unanimously acquitted by the jury after 2 hours of deliberations of all charges on 22 September 2023.