Ronnie Manek Profile Photo

Ronnie Manek

Partner and Barrister & Head of Crown Court Advocacy
020 8299 6000


Ronnie is committed to ensuring that people have a voice in the justice system. He is a very experienced advocate with substantial experience of dealing with cases of sensitivity and complexity for over 15 years.

Ronnie specialises in Criminal Defence work (in the widest sense). His criminal work involves the range of serious offences, in particular homicide, serious sexual or violent offending, Drugs & Firearms, serious organised and/or complex crime and crimes which occur in the prison environment and ‘Baby Shaking’ cases.

His experience over the years has also given him a highly useful grounding in subjects relevant to conducting complex white collar fraud trials. His ability to explain complex matters clearly and simply are of particular value in this area.

His criminal defence work has become specialised with vulnerable individuals, usually in cases of complexity or sensitivity requiring experienced and precise advocacy and forensic skills.

He has particular expertise in cases involving vulnerable people, particularly clients (or complainants). He has substantial experience in cases which involved mentally disordered individuals, individuals with learning difficulty or individuals who need particularly sensitive care, for example very young clients or witnesses. He is an approved Pupil Supervisor who has attended the Vulnerable Witness Advocacy Course, which is a compulsory requirement for advocates who conduct cases involving children, for example, child abuse, sexual abuse involving children and young defendants.

Ronnie is engaged in many cases which require an understanding and testing of the evidence of experts, in particular pathologists, forensic experts, scientific or medical experts and psychiatrists. His experience in complex money laundering, fraud, drugs , firearms and murder conspiracies had enabled him to dissect forensic material with a fine toothed comb and summarise the real issues that require scrutiny.

Ronnie is an accomplished trial advocate. He is not afraid of hard work or challenging cases and is often instructed in large multi-handed cases, particular where emotions may run high. He has been involved in a number of high profile trials and, as such, is used to dealing with cases which attract a good deal of publicity. Recently, Ronnie featured in a ‘Baby Shaking’ Channel 5 documentary in one of his real life cases. He also appeared on BBC1 Panorama documentary on joint enterprise murder “guilt by association” involving a defendant he represented in a 9 week trial at the Old Bailey.


Date Offence Length Client Leading/Led/junior Alone Court
November 2023 Conspiracy to Murder (6 defendants) 6 weeks SG Led Junior Central Criminal Court
October 2023 Importation of 300 kilos of class A drugs 1 week GW Junior Alone Canterbury Crown Court
September  2023 s.18 GBH (stabbing) involving former Police Community Support Officer 1 week KB Junior Alone Canterbury Crown Court
July 2023 Conspiracy to facilitate illegal entry (4 defendants) 5 weeks AO Junior Alone Woolwich Crown Court
June 2023 Murder (3 defendants) 5 weeks KK Led Junior Central Criminal Court
May 2023 Conspiracy to supply Class A drugs (14 defendants) 3 weeks TI Junior Alone Snaresbrook CC
March 2023 Possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life/Conspiracy to Commit s.18 OAPA 4 weeks DP Junior Alone Woolwich CC
Jan 2023 Aggravated Burglary (6 defendants) 5 weeks MB Junior Alone Woolwich CC
Dec 2022 People Trafficking (facilitation) – violation of HRA & Article 31 Refugee Convention – “small boats” channel crossing  – preparatory hearing (2 defendants) 2 days MA Led junior Canterbury CC
June 2022 Attempted Murder (2 defendants) 6 week CN Led junior Maidstone CC
June 2022 Murder (single defendant) 2 weeks OB Led Junior Central Criminal Court
April 2022 Corruption & Bribery (4 defendants) 12 weeks TD Led Junior Southwark CC
March 2022 Conspiracy to Defraud (12 defendants) 4 weeks PK Leading Junior Southwark CC
Feb/Mar 2022 Conspiracy to Murder (4 defendants) 4 weeks CDR Led Junior Central Criminal Court
November 2021 Murder – Led junior (6 defendants) 12 weeks DA Led Junior Central Criminal Court
October 2021 Importation of class A drugs 54 kilos (3 defendants) 7 weeks AR Leading Junior Isleworth CC
August 2021 Attempted Murder (5 defendants) 8 weeks TJF Leading Junior Central Criminal Court
May 2021 Facilitation offences (people trafficking) 7 days SP Junior alone Canterbury CC
March 2021 Conspiracy to transfer firearms 6 weeks NJ Leading Junior Woolwich Crown Court
February 2021 S.18 GBH & Robbery 5 week GK Junior Alone Maidstone CC
January 2021 Transfer of firearms 2 weeks BL Junior Alone Woolwich CC
December 2020 Firearms with intent to cause fear of violence 1 week JN Junior Alone Canterbury CC
November 2021 Murder 4 weeks SO’R Led Junior Central Criminal Court
October 2020 Murder 2 weeks NZ Led Junior (led by Phil Evans) Central Criminal Court
July 2020 Attempted Murder 2 weeks JJ Led Junior Maidstone CC
February 2020 Conspiracy to supply class A drugs 8 weeks MU Leading Junior Woolwich CC
January 2020 Conspiracy to produce and supply class A drugs 2 weeks AG Leading Junior Southwark CC
January 2020 Historical Rape 2 weeks LL Led Junior Inner London CC
November 2019 Murder 3 weeks WT Led Junior CCC
October 2019 Murder 3 weeks RDW Led Junior Snaresbrook CC
September 2019 Firearms with intent 2 weeks DJ Junior alone Inner London CC
August 2019 Murder x 2 of twin children No trial/plea accepted SF Led Junior CCC
April 2019 Murder 9 weeks KF Led Junior CCC
February 2019 GBH with intent 1 week LH Junior Alone Maidstone CC
January 2019 Conspiracy to supply class A drugs & Conspiracy to commit GBH with intent Cracked trial SA Leading Junior Snaresbrook CC
October 2018 Attempted Murder Cracked trial AA Junior Alone Snaresbrook CC
September 2018 Violent Disorder 2 weeks CO Junior Alone Maidstone CC
May 2018 Conspiracy to Kidnap, blackmail and falsely imprison 5 weeks NFH Junior Alone Southwark CC
March 2018 Conspiracy to import/supply class A drugs 6 weeks MC Leading Junior Southwark CC
February 2018 Death by Careless Driving 2 weeks TA Junior Alone Woolwich CC
January 2018 Money laundering 3 weeks SH Junior Alone Lewes CC
August 2017 Firearms 1 week DRF Junior Alone Inner London CC
July 2017 Firearms with intent 1 week SG Junior Alone Woolwich CC
July 2017 Murder 3 weeks MI Led Junior Woolwich CC
June 2017 Conspiracy to defraud the CSSC sports council  – identity Fraud 6 week trial
May 2017 Conspiracy to Kidnap, blackmail and falsely imprison 6 weeks CB Junior Alone Inner London CC
May 2017 Murder 2 weeks DH Led Junior Maidstone CC
April 2017 Firearms & Drugs 1 week GH Junior Alone Woolwich CC
February 2017 Harassment (archbishop harassing daughter & ex-wife (high profile  – private 1 week JB Junior Alone Woolwich CC
January 2017 Conspiracy to Acquire Criminal Property (Money laundering 8 weeks CH Junior Alone Woolwich CC
October 2016 Conspiracy to Steal 4 weeks JG Leading Junior Inner London CC
September 2016 Kidnap/Blackmail/GBH 4 weeks SD Junior alone Maidstone CC
July 2016 GBH with intent (baby shaking) 4 weeks KK Led Junior Blackfriars CC
May 2016 Conspiracy to supply and manufacture firearms 3 weeks BB Junior Alone Woolwich CC
February 2016 Possession of Explosives (army soldier) 1 week RB Junior Alone Croydon CC
February 2016 Murder 2 weeks TS Led Junior Canterbury CC
September 2015 Attempted Murder (shooting) 3 weeks OP Junior Alone Woolwich CC
August 2015 Conspiracy to defraud the Secretary of State (ATW fraud) 6 weeks TJ Junior Alone Croydon CC
March 2015 Conspiracy to kidnap/blackmail/GBH 6 weeks NB Junior Alone CCC
January 2015 Firearms with Intent 6 weeks PO Junior Alone Croydon CC
October 2014 Murder 6 weeks AL Led Junior CCC
June 2014 Attempted Murder 1 week CH Junior Alone Inner London CC
February 2014 Manslaughter (baby-shaking) Cracked trial KK Led Junior CCC
November 2013 – January 2014 Conspiracy to defraud/Mis-conduct in Public Office (housing benefit fraud) 12 weeks MB Junior Alone Woolwich CC
May 2013 Conspiracy to defraud (wine investment fraud) 8 weeks PD Led Junior Southwark CC
October 2011 Murder 6 weeks QA Led Junior CCC
January 2011 Murder 9 weeks JA Led Junior CCC

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