Adam Marley Profile Photo

Adam Marley

Head of Mental Health Law
020 8299 6000


Adam is a Mental Health Law specialist and our Head of Mental Health Law at GT Stewart. As an accredited member of the Law Society Mental Health Tribunal Panel, Adam accepts instruction in relation to civil and forensic mental health law matters including Tribunal Hearings, Hospital Managers’ Hearings and CPA/s117 meetings. Other matters that Adam is able to assist with include issues with s.17 leave, transfers, s. 117 aftercare and remittance to prison. Additionally, Adam is able to accept appointments by the Tribunal for clients lacking capacity.

Adam also practices in the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) which hears appeals relating to decision of the First-tier Tribunal and is happy to advice clients on appeals flowing from their cases.

As part of his work representing people detained under the forensic provisions of the Mental Health Act, Adam regularly represent clients at Broadmoor, Ashworth and Rampton, the three high-secure hospitals in England as well as those in medium secure, low secure and rehabilitation units.

Adam has broad experience in helping clients detained under section as well as those in the community under Community Treatment Orders and those subject to conditional discharge conditions. As well as representing patients, Adam also has experience in advising and representing Nearest Relatives in the exercise of their powers under the Act, and also in relation to resisting displacement proceedings brought in the County Court.

As a natural extension to Adam’s mental health work, he also works through our Community Care department and represents clients in matters in the Court of Protection. He has experience in matters involving applications for Deputyship, Lasting Powers of Attorney and medical treatment for incapacitated parties as well as representing people deprived of their liberty under the DoLS regime. Following a break from Court of Protection work, Adam is now accepting instructions again and would be pleased to receive your enquiry. Adam accepts instruction from the Official Solicitor and direct from clients as appropriate.

Adam primarily works from our City of London office, but also accepts instruction from clients based in and around West Yorkshire from our Leeds offices and also from clients in the Midlands through our offices in Birmingham.

In his spare time Adam is a keen traveller, having previously spent 17 years in a job that saw him travel the world, and enjoys cookery and gardening. He speaks good French and Spanish, is able to accept instruction from clients in these languages, and is known for his conscientious and thorough work on behalf of clients and their families.

Adam is a current member of the Mental Health Lawyers Association and takes a keen and active interest in social justice matters.

Client & Professional Feedback

  • “Perfect treatment. Do not ask me how but miracle workers. Mr Marley always pulls through to get me discharged. Your service is amazing. I have put many clients your way for different pathways i.e. IPP, Mental Health, Crime. Adam is lovely to work with. Honest. Always a proper diamond.”

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