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Defending Possession Claims2019-04-16T15:40:24+01:00

Defending Possession Claims

Our lawyers are specialists in defending all types of possession proceedings for private sector tenancies as well as social housing.

We have a reputation for imaginative use of the law to protect and defend your human rights, including right to a home.

Obtaining early legal advice when you are aware that your landlord is seeking possession can prevent proceedings being issued. If proceedings are issued, there are strict time limits for filing a defence. Whether the ground for possession is rent arrears, breach of tenancy, criminal conviction or anti social behaviour, our team has a wealth of experience in successfully defending possession proceedings brought on both mandatory and discretionary grounds.

Even when a possession order is made, our team can assist you with advice on preventing your eviction before a warrant for eviction is executed. If you have been evicted unlawfully, we can advise you on re-entry and damages claims. Often free legal advice and assistance is available, representing you with the benefit of Legal Aid subject to your income and savings.

Being evicted may result in homelessness, where there is no defence to possession proceedings and or the property you were evicted from was not suitable, there are  housing options available the council’s housing department. Our team can guide you through the process to ensure you receive suitable housing.

Call us now for expert advice 0208 299 6000.

Legal Aid is available for a range of civil work including defending possession claims. To qualify for Legal Aid we will carry out an assessment of your income and capital as well as the prospects of success of your case. The Legal Aid Agency provides an online calculator which you can assess direct to determine whether you may be eligible. We will help you through the Legal Aid Application process and if you are not eligible for free legal advice, we can provide a number of other funding options including:

• Conditional Fee Agreement ( CFA)
• Fixed fee/staged payments
• Hourly rate private fee scheme

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GT Stewart has established itself as a leading firm in the UK for criminal, housing, mental health and family law, specialising in private cases and also Legal Aid work.

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We are known for our tenacity when representing those engaged in challenging the State or defending themselves against a prosecution.