Non-Molestation and Occupation Orders2024-05-22T16:11:46+01:00

Non-Molestation and Occupation Orders

Domestic violence, also called domestic abuse, is an issue that unfortunately affects far more people than you might imagine, but you do not need to suffer in silence.

Many people believe domestic abuse is only physical violence against a person but abuse can be emotional, sexual, verbal and controlling and coercive behaviour. Additionally it can include threatening and degrading behaviour and financial control.

This behaviour can arise in couple relationships or between family members. It can happen on one occasion or on a series of occasions.

It is important to note that due to the impact of coronavirus and being confined to our homes, many of us are isolated from supportive family, friends or organisations.

Additionally, some of us at home are experiencing an increase in abusive behaviour and/or violence. Domestic abuse has greatly increased since lockdown with an increase in calls and online requests for help.

Protect yourself from Domestic Abuse

For years, GT Stewart has been helping wives, husbands, partners and children to escape their abusers, regain their lives, protect themselves and their children.

We can help by obtaining Orders to protect you from any form of abuse, verbal or physical, as well as Orders so that the abuser has to leave the shared/family home.

Escape from Domestic Violence

No matter what your religion, race, community or origin is, whether you are married or in a relationship, whether there are children involved or not, you have a human and legal right to live free from physical violence and mental abuse.

At GT Stewart we are here to help you escape from an abusive situation. You can make a change and we are here to hold your hand throughout. We are experienced solicitors who will ensure a rapid change of circumstances for you.

GT Stewart offer a safe and completely confidential environment in which to share your story so that we can help you take control over your future.

As well as providing extensive legal advice and action, including Orders for your personal protection, we can also connect you with organisations that will be able to offer a variety of practical ways to help you and your children.

If you need advice or assistance with any domestic violence matter, we are here to help.

Please see our free fact sheet on Non-Molestation Orders that answers some commonly asked questions.

Free Fact Sheet

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We pride ourselves on regular referrals from other firms and agencies

We are known for our tenacity when representing those engaged in challenging the State or defending themselves against a prosecution.