Criminal Defence Client
Dangerous Driving
Dangerous driving is a serious motoring offence
To be found guilty of dangerous driving the prosecution must prove that you have driven in a way that ‘falls far below what would be expected of a careful and competent driver’.
Dangerous driving offences
Dangerous driving is a serious motoring offence, if you are convicted you could face the possibility of being sent to prison as well as a 12 month ban and having to take an extended re-test. If you face such an allegation, contact GT Stewart at to speak to one of our specialise motoring law solicitors so we can help you make the best decisions in order to get the best outcome for you.
To be found guilty of dangerous driving the prosecution must prove that you have driven in a way that ‘falls far below what would be expected of a careful and competent driver’. It is also classed as dangerous driving if the vehicle being driven is in a dangerous condition and not suitable to be on a public road. Examples would include racing or aggressive driving or being involved in a police chase.
Factors which can impact on your sentence include:
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Excessive speed
- Offence committed whilst disqualified
- Driving without a licence or insurance
- Competitive driving or racing
- Previous convictions for the same or similar offences
- Prolonged bad driving

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