Jack Stewart Profile

RV, 30 years old, asserted that he believed he was importing cannabis, a class B controlled drug. In fact, when border force officers searched the vehicle, they found 69 kilos of class A drugs secreted in a complex hide in the boot. RV claimed that he genuinely believed  that the drugs he was tasked to collect from Holland, was supposed to be cannabis.

The CPS did not accept RV’s basis of plea, and the court proceeded to a Newton Hearing at which they  made a finding of fact in RV’s favour. In reaching their decision the court  considered a 100-page defence telephone schedule presented by RV’s lawyer Jack Stewart assisted by Neslihan Kaya who represented RV throughout. Partner and in-house barrister, Ronnie Manek was the instructed advocate.  Sentencing guidelines indicate that had the finding not been favourable, he would have likely received a custodial sentence in excess of 11 years