We represented a young adult who had been charged with Robbery. It was the Crown’s case that our client was one of three defendants who had robbed two complainants at knife point. Our client denied the offences and we made arrangements to examine our client’s phone and discovered evidence which significantly undermined the account of the complaints and supported our client’s version of events.
Whilst our client was awaiting trial, the complainants both moved out of the United Kingdom and the Crown Prosecution Service made repeated applications for a live link to allow the complainants to give evidence from abroad. We strenuously opposed these applications arguing that that our position was that complainants were being untruthful and that they should attend Court to give evidence. After considering the submissions that we made on our client’s behalf the Court refused the applications and directed that the Crown provide further information as to why the complainant could not attend. Following further enquiries being made, it was established that there was in fact no reason why the complainants could not attend Court. The Crown subsequently offered no evidence against all three defendants.
Our client was represented by Sabrina Neves, a solicitor in our Croydon Crime Team and in Court by Jodie Mole, one of our in house Barristers.