TI, was represented by Head of Advocacy, Barrister Ronnie Manek instructed by Kevin Williams in a 3 week trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court. TI, always maintained that he ran a “buying and selling cars” business and denied being part of a large organised crime network to supply class A drugs in East London. The Prosecution seized and examined a large number of mobile phones and bank account ledgers which showed WhatsApp messages and large money transfers between co-conspirators supplying Cocaine, MDMA and Heroin to drug user on the streets of London over a period of 2 years. On review of bank records and WhatsApp messages in respect of TI after serving the defence case and defence jury bundle to prove he was wrongly accused, the Crown conceded what TI submitted was consistent with innocence and decided to review the case against him, which caused the Crown to offer no evidence and as a result, he was acquitted on the Judge’s direction.