GT Stewart represented a client who was arrested and interviewed by West Yorkshire Police in relation to an allegation of theft from a motor vehicle (contrary to Section 1 of the Theft Act of 1968). It was alleged that the client had stolen power tools to the value of £2500 from a van. Two police officers purported to identify our client by reviewing the CCTV footage.
At the police station we advised our client to give a brief account in the form of a prepared statement in which he denies committing the offence. He took part in an identification procedure and was not identified by a witness at the scene.
Hasan Khan, the trial advocate, skilfully cross examined the two police officers during the trial and successfully undermined the credibility of their identification of our client. The magistrates found our client not guilty.
Our client was represented by Hasan Khan, Solicitor from our Leeds office. A great result Hasan - well done