We represented a vulnerable young adult who had been charged with offences of s.18 GBH and possession of an offensive weapon following a violent altercation. The incident was reported in local media and was captured on CCTV footage in its entirety. The starting point in terms of sentence was one of 5 years with a range of 4 to 7 years immediate imprisonment. Due to significant delays in the Crown Prosecution Service serving their evidence, our client only pleaded guilty to the offence of s.18 GBH a month before their trial was due to take place. Despite this, we were able to persuade the Court that our client should receive 25% credit for their guilty plea and, as a result of the mitigation evidence that we were able to provide, our client was ultimately sentenced to 2 years and 6 months imprisonment.
Our client was represented by Sabrina Neves, a solicitor in our Croydon Crime Team, and in Court by Gerard Pitt of Garden Court Chambers